New police NON-EMERGENCY contact number

The new NON EMERGENCY number on which to contact the police is 101.

The official launch of the new number is on September 19th but it is already operational. The old number 0845 090 1234 will be phased out over the next six months.

It is hoped the new number will in time become a National number for all police forces so no matter where you are you will be able to easily pass on information to the police.

You can also use this number to pass on a message for your local Community Officers to get in touch with you to discuss crime related issues in your scheme.

The number will be accessible from mobile phones and no matter where you ring from, or how long the call, the maximum charge will be 15 pence.
Also from 19th the police text services for people who are hard of hearing or speech impaired will change to: 18001 101.

People should still continue to ring the EMERGENCY number 999 if they wish to report a crime in progress, where a crime is likely to occur, when there is a danger to life, someone is injured or when violence is being used of threatened.

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